An economic consulting firm specializing in project-specific market analysis, nationwide.

Detailed demand estimates are available as separate products for those clients who have already compiled information about supply. URBEK® has been providing arms-length market analysis services since 1980. Gil can be reached

The starting point for any housing market analysis is a profile of households by income, age, size, and tenure, such as the profile shown below. You will see, for example, that quickest way to "overstate" the seniors housing market (with services) is the failure to breakout one person households from total households. This oversight is the most common reason for misjudging the size of seniors housing markets (with services).  

Sources: and Halbert Economics using PUMS microdata to create ACS tables showing household income by household age and household size.  Brian can be reached at (541) 578-0329.

Exclusive, proprietary data and a 40-year track-record.

At URBEK® we bring 40 years of experience working with investors, lenders and developers to provide housing market analysis within the context of contemporary urban economics theory.

Do your own quick research.

Use the following links.

For Unemployment

For New Construction

For Income of Households

For large counties, we use a drive-time algorithm from the subject site to capture variations in topography.

URBEK now utilizes the following custom Census Bureau tabulations in their market studies

Tenure Income Household Size Householder Age
Owner Less than $10,000 1-Person 15 - 24 Years
Renter $10,000-19,999 2-Person 25 - 34 Years
  $20,000-29,999 3-Person 35 - 44 Years
  $30,000-39,999 4-Person 45 - 54 Years
  $40,000-49,999 5+Person 55 - 61 Years
  $50,000-59,999   62 - 64 Years
  $60,000-74,999   65 - 74 Years
  $75,000-99,999   75 - 84 Years
  $100,000-124,999   85+ Years

Note: These data are not available for re-sale

For example, in South West Nashville, Tennessee, the age 65+ URBEK special tabs at $200,000 and above, show 140 one-person home owners; 1,650, two-person home owners; and, 245 three-or-more person home owner households (which are probably extended families or intergenerational households).