Senior Housing Demand

Nursing Homes & Assisted Living

For a given demographic proifile, the size of the assisted living market will vary from state to state depending on the level of state funding for long term care. For example, the assisted living market would be smaller in New York than in Nevada, since New York has historically funded long term care (LTC) at higher levels per capita than Nevada.

Total Demand for Housing
by Income and Rent

YOUR Primary Market Area


Nursing Home

Beds (LTC)


Moderate to Severe

 (outside NH)

Personal Care


(outside NH)

@ 95% of income @ 95% of income @ 80% of income
Persons Rent Persons Rent Persons Rent
Total 313 NA 600 NA 1,001 NA
$30,000 + 94 $2,375 178 $2,375 295 $2,000
$35,000 + 72 $2,771 136 $2,771 225 $2,333
$40,000 + 58 $3,167 108 $3,167 179 $2,667
$50,000 + 41 $3,958 74 $3,958 123 $3,333
$60,000 + 31 $4,750 55 $4,750 91 $4,000

Note: Demand estimates can be added across the table, but not down. Existing supply must be subtracted from these demand estimates to obtain the remaining un-served market.